
Website launched

22/02/2016 21:38
  Web Design != Web Development                 Web design is the customer-facing part of the ...



HTML works in a very simple, very logical, format. It reads like you do, from top to bottom, and left to right. That's important to remember. HTML is written with normal old text. What you use to set certain sections apart as headings, subtitles, bold text, underlined text, etc is a series of what we call "tags".

Think of tags as making your structure. Let's say you want a heading. You will put a tag at the exact point you want the heading to start and another tag where you want the heading to stop. If you want a specific word to be emphasized, you will place a start emphasis tag at the beginning of the word and an end emphasis tag at the end of the word. Is this making sense so far? Later we will discuss using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to do the same thing, but for now we are concentrating on HTML, so back to the lesson!